With full in-house manufacturing & design, we are unique and have full control and traceability of our complete systems and production.
All our systems are designed and verified by Cathodic Protection (CP) personnel and certified in accordance with EN ISO 15257:2017. Furthermore we have in house Cathodic Protection Modelling software with the latest in FEM based analysis.
Our TiMMO ICCP anodes are of the highest quality and contain only the purest additive compositions from the platinum group of precious metals.
All anodes are multiply coated and go through a vigorous curing process and are subject to strict quality control measures.
This is to ensure the most optimum performance, taking into consideration all environmental aspects of your project.
We tailor make all our installation accessories in house with the support of our experienced fabrication division. This can be offered in synthetic or structural steel parts fabricated in accordance with various approved in house held WPQR’s with full third party NDT inspections. Subject to all international standards and project specific specifications.